Titanium products
We use Implant Grade 23 (Ti6AL4V ELI, ASTM F136) Titanium. It's 3 times stronger than steel, is bio-compatible and lightweight, but do you know how we get the many vibrant colours? Check out our blog for more information on titanium.Titanium products
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Belly Bar - Titanium Internal Thread Claw Set Double Abalone Shell. £15.45

Belly Bar - Titanium Internal Thread Claw Set Double Jewelled. £11.95

Belly Bar - Titanium Internal Thread Claw Set Double Jewelled Firework. From £16.45

Belly Bar - Titanium Internal Thread Claw Set Double Turquoise. From £15.45

Belly Bar - Titanium Internal Thread Claw Set Jewelled Pear. £13.75

Belly Bar - Titanium Internal Thread Claw Set Opal. £24.95

Belly Bar - Titanium Internal Thread Claw Set Twinkle Heart Double Jewelled. From £14.75

Belly Bar - Titanium Internal Thread Claw Set Twinkle Star Double Jewelled. From £14.75

Bioflex Labrets with Titanium Balls (Formerly PTFE). £3.75

Bioflex Labrets with Titanium Jewelled Balls (formerly PTFE). £3.95

Bioflex Push-fit Labret with Titanium Ball. £4.45

Bioflex Push-fit Labret with Titanium Jewelled Disk (2.35mm Disk). £4.45

Bioflex Push-fit Labret with Titanium Jewelled Disk (3mm Disk). £4.45

Titanium (Infinity) Bezel Set 3 Jewel Crescent for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. £7.45

Titanium (Infinity) Bezel Set 3 Jewel Tribal Asia Crescent for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. £17.45

Titanium (Infinity) Bezel Set 3 Opal and Jewels Crescent for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. £9.95

Titanium (Infinity) Bezel Set 3 Opal Crescent for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. £12.45
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Titanium (Infinity) Bezel Set 5 Jewel Crescent for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. From £11.95

Titanium (Infinity) Bezel Set 5 Opal Crescent for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. £16.25

Titanium (Infinity) Bezel Set Jewelled Cluster for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. £9.45

Titanium (Infinity) Bezel Set Opal and Jewel Cluster for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. £11.95

Titanium (Infinity) Bezel Set Triple Jewel Curve for Internal Thread Shafts in 1.2mm. From £9.75

Titanium (Infinity) Bezel Set Triple Opal and Jewel Curve for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. £10.75

Titanium 1.2mm Pave Set Jewelled Edge Hinged Clicker Ring. From £14.95

Titanium 1.2mm Pave Set Opal Edge Hinged Clicker Ring. £19.95

Titanium 1.6mm Pave Set Jewelled Edge Hinged Clicker Ring. £14.95

Titanium 3 Ball Chain Drop for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. From £11.95

Titanium 3 Jewel Chain Drop for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. From £15.95
New options

Titanium 3 Tier Stacked Hinged Clicker Ring. From £7.75

Titanium 5 Claw Set Jewel Hinged Clicker Ring. From £17.25

Titanium 5 Jewel Bar Top for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. From £7.45

Titanium 6 Jewel Sunrise Marquise Fan Top for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. £17.45

Titanium 8 Point Jewelled Star for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. From £12.45

Titanium Alien for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. From £9.95

Titanium Anasia Claw set Opal and Jewelled Hinged Ring (Clicker). From £28.95

Titanium Asia Diamond Ball for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. From £5.75

Titanium Asia Trinity for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. From £4.95

Titanium Asia Trinity Nose Stud. From £6.75

Titanium Baby Double Jewelled Belly Bar. £5.75

Titanium Baby Jewelled Belly Bar. From £4.75

Titanium Ball for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. £3.25

Titanium Bar Closure Ring. From £2.95

Titanium Bar for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. From £4.75

Titanium Barbed Wire for Internal Thread shafts in 1.2mm. From £7.95

Titanium Barbell 1.6mm 6-16mm. From £3.25

Titanium Barbell 1.6mm 18-28mm. From £3.45

Titanium Barbells (Large Gauge) 2.4mm. From £4.45

Titanium Barbells (Large Gauge) 2mm. From £3.75

Titanium BCR 2.0mm Large Gauge (Ball Closure Ring). £4.95

Titanium BCR 2.5mm Large Gauge (Ball Closure Ring). £4.95