Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star

Sale price Price From £16.95 Regular price

The Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star comes in 3 beautiful Stone Colours, a Rose Quartz, Aqua and Moonstone. Titanium jewellery is perfect for new piercings. The top is approximately 5mm tall and 6.8mm wide, point to point, and is available in Mirror Polish and Gold Titanium. Supplied on a Titanium Internally Threaded Labret or Gold Titanium internally threaded labret in 1.2mm gauge. Great for ear piercings including tragus, cartilage and helix.

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Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 5mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 5mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 5mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 5mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 5mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 5mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 5mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel,Faux  Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 5mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel,Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 5mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 5mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 5mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 5mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 5mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 5mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 5mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 5mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 5mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 5mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 6mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux  Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 6mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 6mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 6mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 6mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 6mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 6mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 6mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 6mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 6mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 6mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 6mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 6mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 6mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 6mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 6mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 6mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 6mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 7mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 7mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 7mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 7mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 7mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 7mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 7mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 7mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 7mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 7mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 7mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 7mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 7mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 7mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 7mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 7mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 7mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 7mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 8mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 8mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 8mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 8mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 8mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 8mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 8mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 8mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 8mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 8mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 8mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 8mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 8mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 8mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 8mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 8mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 8mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 8mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 9mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 9mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 9mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 9mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 9mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 9mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 9mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 9mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 9mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 9mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 9mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 9mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 9mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 9mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 9mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 9mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 9mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 9mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 10mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 10mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 10mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 10mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 10mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 10mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Aqua
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 10mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 10mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 10mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 10mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 10mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 10mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Moonstone
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 10mm / Polish Ti Labret / Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 10mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Polish Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 10mm / Polish Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 10mm
Labret Material : Polish Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Titanium Internally Threaded Labrets 1.2mm - Titanium Claw Set Jewelled Vega Star 1.2mm, 10mm / Gold Ti Labret / Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz
Gauge (mm), Length (mm) : 1.2mm, 10mm
Labret Material : Gold Ti Labret
Jewel Material, Colour : Gold Ti Jewel, Faux Rose Quartz


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